When you want to build muscle, or do anything in life, you have to kill your desire for comfort. Comfort is the enemy of muscle growth, and overall growth in life. You have to do what's necessary in order to accomplish something. That means you will be uncomfortable sometimes.
Get comfortable with discomfort. It's easy to say, and yet, so few people actually do it. Change is violent and uncomfortable. In order to become the person you want to be, or have the body you want, you will have to be comfortable with discomfort. This is a must, if you can't accept this, you won't achieve anything you want.
You need to learn to put yourself through the fire. That's the fastest way to change and make gains. If you do this consistently you will make progress and advance through life faster. The more comfortable you are the softer you will become. To continually progress and move forward you will need to be willing to sacrifice comfort.
Consistently keep yourself uncomfortable, or at least become comfortable with discomfort. That's the easiest. You have to convince yourself that you're an unstoppable force that can annihalte anything in your way. This is the mindset and focus that you need to have. If you're focused on winning, and positive forward momentum, you will crush life and the odds.
The universe, or nature, has no mercy for anyone. You need to remove mercy from your mind, remove it from your actions. You are where you're destined to be. The stoics call this amor fati, that's latin for a love of fate.
This principle is useful. If you fight where you are, you'll have no acceptance and can become a delusional jackass. That will turn you into a failure, you definitely need to learn to love where you are and to not fight fate. Being comfortable all of the time destroys your desire to conquer and crush whatever is ahead of you. Any badass MMA fighter will tell you that a comfortable fighter is weak.
Comfort makes you weak. Always keep that in mind. Now, this doesn't give you a reason to be an angry jackass and never relax. I want you to be calm during discomfort. When I squatted 500 lbs I was surprisingly calm.
I was grunting sure and giving all of my effort, yet there was no nerves. If I would have stayed comfortable I would have never made the lift or even attempted it.
I make this point about discomfort because there are too many people who want to live life or go to the gym on cruise control. If you cruise through every workout and don't push yourself, you'll never grow or make any real gains.
Comfort always has and always will be your enemy.
Thank you for reading.
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