Sunday, June 9, 2019

How to Stop Holding Yourself Back and Start Making gains

If you're like most people you want to make gains.  Yet, you don't make gains, and you look the same as you did 6 months ago.  This is due to several factors.  The first one is because they have no game plan for the gym.  

In everything you will need to plan in order to be effective.  This is due to organization skills.  If you're not organized, training in the gym will be different and your gains could slow down.   Without even realizing that it's possible that you're holding yourself back.

Self-sabotage is not easy to stop.  And it's even weirder that people can't seem to break this habit.  At least most people. What you will need to do is become aware of what your thoughts are.  By watching over your thoughts and noticing your habits, you will then be able to recondition yourself to think differently.

I see so many people in the gym and in life who hold themselves back way too much.  Release the emergency brake, this is the only way you'll make progress.  You need to get in touch with the darkness within and use that when you train.  These are some of the ugly truths of training.

People also hold back on their workout intensity.  The truth is, if you focus and move fast, you can finish all of these workouts in 1 hour.
The faster you move and finish the workout, the faster you can get out of there and eat your post workout meal.  The issue that people have is that they're scatter brained and are easily distracted by anything.

Stop worrying about what other people are doing in the gym.  Focus on your own training, and the progress you want to make.

1: You can only build your dream body if you believe it

This principle really drives it home for me.  People don't understand that writing down goals or new years resolutions, doesn't mean a damn thing.  If you want to build your dream body you need at least 3 days of training per week, and you need to follow a good diet program.  When you cheat on your diet or keep yourself fat, it's usually because you've allowed being fat to become your identity.  Self sabotage is is common with these people.  They subconsciously don't believe that they deserve their dream body.

Of course they'll never get there.  You have to believe that you can diet effectively and get lean.
Here's the solution.  Every day you need to repeat these affirmations.

I will build the body of my dreams no matter what
I'm invincible
I stick to my diet until it's completed.
I deserve to have my dream body.

Pick 1 or 2 of these affirmations and repeat them multiple times throughout the day.  Now, you still have to go train and eat a clean diet.  The affirmations are useful, because some people really don't believe they can get and stay in great shape.  The affirmations are a great solution to a lack of belief.

Always remember this.  It takes 30-90 days to create a new habit.  These affirmations when said with conviction will help you more than you realize.  Try it for 1 month, and if you're not happy with your progress stop saying the affirmations.

I'm not gonna tell you guys what to do.  That's not my role here.  My role and purpose here is to give people the tools to build their dream body.  I don't give orders unless I'm working with my clients.  That's because I know my clients are going to listen to me.  Now, on this website, all of the information has been tested out by yours truly.  495 low bar

The only reason I share videos is so you guys can see that I'm serious about the gains and I can help you guys make serious gains as well.  Otherwise I wouldn't show them.  Trust me I would rather help people build their dream body and experience it, the difference is that if I don't show you guys what I can do or have done in the gym I wouldn't have any credibility.

Another common error people make is not doing the exercise correctly.  A good example of this would be an extreme rounded back dead-lift. DON'T DEAD-LIFT LIKE THIS

If you don't do the exercise correctly you won't develop the right muscles and you can be at risk for an injury.  This is why being so technical is important.

2: Delusional Expectations:

Sadly the main reason a lot of people give up is because they're goals take longer to accomplish than they previously expected.  When you first start working out, you need to think long term.  You're not going to look like Arnold overnight.  The good news is that you, me, and everyone else can build their dream body.  It will take time.

3: Wanting to look like Someone Else:

Here's another mistake that I have made myself.   For my first couple of years of hard training I wanted to look like Flex Wheeler, the issue with this is that Flex has a different shape and structure than me.  The mindset switch needed to make gains is to focus on having the best body you can possibly have.  If you want to look like someone else, you're not practicing self-love, which will help you make gains as well.  A lot of people sabotage themselves, and this is because a lot of people don't truly believe.

It's okay to aspire to be something.  Flex Wheeler is my vision of the ultimate body.  I do know, that I will never look like him.  We are two different people.  Which is why you need to focus on yourself.

4: You're not Focused

Any goal that someone has needs an insane level of focus.  If you're focused on the wrong things your gains will be subpar at best.  What you need to focus on is the body you want to develop and how you can do that.  If you train yourself to focus you can double your gains.  This is something that people need help with, me included.  Before every workout think about how you want each body part to look.  Setting goals and focusing on them makes it easier. 

If you don't focus on your own goals you will be helping someone who is focused on theirs. 
Here's what to focus on.

  • What kind of body do I want?
  • How badly do I want to change the way my body looks?
If you don't develop the ability to focus on your goals you will never achieve the dream body you want.

Apply these principles and see how many gains you will make.
As always thank you for reading.
Share this article with everyone.

Reach out to my personal email if you're ready to take the next step in building your dream body.