A lot of people have a fat loss problem. This article will provide the solution for you. Too many people are given bad fat loss advice, that leaves them smaller and weaker, and then they end up gaining most of the weight back at some point.
1: You're not in a calorie deficit
The whole purpose of a diet is to lose body fat. People don't seem to understand that you need to be slightly hungry most of the day in order to be in a deficit or lose weight. Now throughout my fat loss journey I have consistently been hungry. If I am not hungry, I know that I am not losing body fat. Here's my current body Recent pics
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(ps, the only reason I post pics of myself is because I have done the work and have evidence, I am an authority on this topic and I can back up what I write)
2: You're training the wrong way
A lot of people don't understand that when you're on a diet it's very unlikely that you will add new muscle. What this means is that you need to train in a way that will help you keep as much muscle as possible. Meaning that all of those high volume routines will need to go. When you're in a calorie deficit the primary goal is to maintain the muscle you have. You won't do that by lifting light weight and high reps. Throughout my whole diet I have been lifting heavy. Heavy training clips
Snatch high pull
This heavy training is what will keep the size and dense muscle. I'm not telling you to squat 500 lbs, just push yourself to keep training heavy.
When you train heavy you're forcing your body to keep the gains you make during your bulk. Training correctly during a diet or fat loss phase is crucial.
3: You're full of excuses
This one is tough to here for most people. If you complain about how hard a diet is all of the time you will begin to weaken yourself and start to create excuses, which we all know does nothing. Excuses do nothing, don't forget that. Once you start making excuses it becomes a painfully difficult habit to break. This is why you need to be certain that you're ready to start your diet. Once you start your diet, see it through to the end. Keep yourself focused on the current workout and next meal, that's all your mind needs to worry about. Fat loss is mental and if you can't win the mental battle with yourself you will cheat and mess up your diet.
4: You're trying to lose too much too fast
This is similar to the 2nd reason. Most people think they can start doing cardio and high reps and they're going to get shredded quick. This is a delusional belief. Realistically you can expect to lose 1-2 lbs of body fat per week. Any more weight loss and you will risk tapping into that valuable muscle tissue you worked so hard to build. Keep yourself focused on losing fat slowly in order to preserve as much muscle mass as possible. This is what people don't like to do. If you're trying to lose too much weight too fast, you will be disappointed, burned out, and you will throw in the towel like the quitter you are.
5: You're too stressed out
A lot of reasons why people struggle with fat loss is due to their hormone profile. Especially the 9-5ers that are working 40 hours or more per week and dealing with traffic every day. These people are chronically stressed. This is not good, as cortisol the primary stress hormone, is terrible for your fat loss and muscle gains. The more stress you have the harder it will be to lose body fat and take reveal that beautiful six pack you worked so hard to build. Calm down. smoke a j, meditate, do what you need to do to relax.
6: You have no discipline
If I had to pick one quality that is most important for losing fat it's discipline. Jocko Willink likes to say that discipline = freedom, which I do agree with. You can also add, that discipline equals a great physique if you apply that discipline to your diet. Once you've mastered yourself and staying disciplined you will be able to see the changes in your physique. This is something that people need to develop asap. Pay the price today pay any price tomorrow.
7: You're too worried about your feelings
Almost everyone that struggles with dieting is because they are emotional eaters. This is a bad habit that needs to be corrected.
The only way to conquer emotional eating is to only eat when you're hungry or when there is a scheduled meal. If you're not hungry don't eat.
8: You snack too much
Another common issue a lot of people have is when they snack. Snacking is okay, in moderation. Although in this situation snacking is a terrible choice. Most people snack to avoid feeling hunger, this is a stupid idea, seeing as though you will need to feel hunger throughout the entire diet in order to lose the most body fat. Just keep that in mind. To lose body fat you need to be in a caloric deficit. Snacking takes you away from a caloric deficit. When you're eating correctly, you won't feel the need to snack. Now, if you're one of those people who has to snack, stick with protein shakes and protein bars.
9: You think just eating clean is enough
Again this is going to get redundant. If you're not in a caloric deficit you will not lose body fat. A great example of this is when people claim to be eating clean and they're still not losing fat. If you're eating clean and can't lose fat it's because you're consuming too many calories, it's as simple as that.
10: You're not tracking your calories
If you could only remember to do one thing, remember to track your calories. This will help you find the exact amount of calories you're eating every day. When you track your calories into MyFitnessPal or CalorieKing, you will actually have it written down and there will be no guesswork. Tracking your calories can also help you stay focused and more aware of the foods you're eating. The best reason to track your calories is so that you will know whether or not you're in a caloric deficit.
Thank you for reading.
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