Today this post has more to do with myself, however these tips can be applied to your own life and I do find these principles to be useful for other people as well. When you're trying to advance and make gains in your life you have to be aware of the type of people who are around you. Now, these are people you might get along with or have nothing against. However, you need to have the ability to detach from your emotions and coldly analyze whether this person is advancing and making progress in their life. If they are not you need to be cold and ruthless and drop these people from your life.
You need to see it from the perspective of decluttering, or taking out the trash. Just because you get a long with someone doesn't mean that you need to be hanging out with them. A lot of people will tell you what you want to hear just to fit in and so you will like them. You need to pay attention to the people who are moving forward and doing something with their lives. These people aren't as available as the unsuccessful crowd. You need to be aware of what's going on.
If you're trying to make positive changes and forward progress you need to be around people who are doing the same thing. Now, you will need to be aware of the pretenders out there. These are the people who will promise everything and never deliver. Stay away from these people. This is why you need to hold others accountable. This way you will know whether or not a person is worth investing in or not.
Most people aren't quite frankly. And while that may sound harsh, if you have this mindset it will be hard to get taken advantage of. This is what people fail to realize. If you're unable to see people this way, don't be surprised when you don't accomplish your goals and you get caught up in their bullshit.
If the person isn't at your level or higher, don't work out with them. For me that means hardly anyone has the right to train or workout with me. I'm simply at a higher level than the majority. If you can't at least do what I can do in the gym, I have no interest in working out with you. This means the heavy lifting and the physique.
I'm not responsible for any training partners gains, I'm only responsible for my own gains. If someone is way behind me, I'll never train with them again. I made this mistake recently. Now, the other guy was cool and nice, he's just nowhere near my level. And while that may sound arrogant and egotistical. I do have plenty of proof and evidence to prove my point.
You need to take out the trash and de clutter your life. A lot of you guys think it's your responsibility to pick your guys up and leave no man behind. I'm here to tell you that's wrong. Move yourself forward, if your buddy wants to stay behind leave him behind. I want to say this without sounding redundant, but someone else's progress is not your responsibility. You can hold them accountable but that is all you can do. If they choose not to make gains or move forward that's their problem.
I know this post was about me and what's going on with my life, but if I can help 1 person with this article then I did my job.
Thank you for reading.
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