When you aspire to build your body and become a classic barbaric man, you need to start simplifying things. This means that you need to sacrifice the need to know more than everyone, and start implementing what already works.
Here are 10 ways to not make gains.
1) Talk about how hard it is to build muscle
This one is my favorite. Every year people tell me how hard it is to build their body and build muscle.
The issue with this is that if you repeat it enough times your brain will start to believe it.
Then you will convince yourself that you are a "hardgainer" these people are the worst.
You're not a hard gainer, you are an ignoramus that thinks it happens overnight. Keep telling yourself how hard it is and you'll see how you end up becoming a hard gainer.
Bodybuilding requires a strong disciplined mind.
The more you talk about how hard it is, the harder it will be.
Where the mind goes the body will follow.
2) Train for 2 hours per day 6 days per week
When you train this way you will tax your nervous system and ruin your ability to recover and build more muscle. Sure training every day works for Olympic lifters, and power lifters who don't want to add size. If you're goal is to add lean muscle mass you need off days to let your body heal.
You need to be focused on getting out of the gym in less than 1 hour.
If you can't get it done in an hour, you wasted an hour.
3) Avoid basic barbell exercises
This is the number one way to keep yourself from making gains. Basic barbell exercises are as brutal and barbaric as they come, and this is why they work the best. Barbells allow you to lift the heaviest, enabling you to recruit more muscle fibers than dumbbells or cable machines. Avoiding the barbell will keep the gains away from you.
4) You're concerned with getting a pump
This mistake is usually made by moronic beginners who want to fit in and look smart. They talk about how great their pump is, when they weigh 160 lbs soaking wet. The best pump I've ever had was when I squatted 405 x 15 reps. My legs were on fire and my entire lower body was "pumped."
Focus on getting stronger on the big compound movements in the 6-8 rep range. This will give you the best gains.
5) Your training intensity sucks
Most people say they went to failure when they could have done 5 more. When you train in a barbaric way, you grow from the intensity and exercise selection. You don't need to do 5 sets per exercise. 2-3 sets done to failure is just as good if not better. This is a mistake that most people make since they want to train like Arnold.
6) You coddle yourself
I see a ton of men and women who take it easy on themselves during each workout. This leads to a complete lack of progress. You need to push yourself to your limits and beyond your limits. This is why you don't make gains. You think you're pushing yourself when you're really not.
7) You're too concerned with the opposite sex
As men and women we will be attracted to each other. But gym time, is gym time. When I'm training in the gym the last thing I care about is women. I've seen guys who put a lot of energy and effort into actively staring and looking to get girls. If that's your thing fine, but if you're serious about making gains in the gym, get their number before or after your workout.
8) You stay away from fats
This is the number one nutritional mistake I see people make. You need to make sure you're consuming enough healthy fats. Avocados, almonds, cashews, olive oil. People don't eat enough of these calories. These calories will help you add lean muscle mass on your body. If you want to make more gains in the gym, you need to eat more healthy fats.
9) You eat too many carbs
You will never need to consume too many carbs. If your goal is fat loss I would keep them at no more than 100 grams. If you're trying to gain weight/size 350 grams of carbs is plenty. Depend more on protein and fat to add the size. Carbs will give you a lot of bloat and water retention if you over consume them.
10) You have no structure
To make gains in the gym you need to make it a priority. This means that you will need structure. Most people have no clue how many meals they consistently eat, and they don't know how much progress they've made on key lifts. Set a bench press, and a squat goal and reach it. If you want to squat 315 for 12 reps you need to make it a priority and do every thing you can to reach that goal.
Thank you for reading.
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