Monday, December 30, 2024

Apply Pressure to Your Life- Guest Post by Bullseye

It's Bullseye here, and I know Pura Sangre through pro wrestling.  I can't give any more information right now, but I will in the future.  Expectations for article, you will learn, will probably be offended and will start to question your life choices.  You may hate me but allow the article to resonate and really think about the words you're about to read.  Save this article share with friends, comment do whatever you want.  

 Apply pressure, it's a phrase I have heard a lot growing up and still hear it.  But what does it actually mean and how can we apply it.  Applying pressure to me is giving max effort.  You want to squeeze the life out of every moment and not play small.  People that play small never win.  Literally I have a forearm tattoo that says live big.  The meaning behind it is to not keep myself small.  To let my light shine bright.

To be as powerful as I can be no matter how insecure it may make others.  Usually the term apply pressure is used by women who want men to step up and communicate with them.  I'm telling you to apply more pressure to your real life.  The more you chase women and vice versa the more women chase men the more your goals get neglected.  

For me being a pro wrestler and former fitness model, I've applied that pressure to pro wrestling and the gym.  I've never wanted anything more in my life.  The thing is to actually do it and not be a fucking chode.  Wrestling just like anything you want to improve takes time and effort.  Both take time, patience and consistency.  

Consistency will beat intensity every time.  Who ever is most consistent in the gym with their workouts and meals will look the best.  Sure you'll have haters who will cry gear every time you build new mass.  But fuck them let them hate.  Just like people reading this, if you don't like my writing style get the fuck out.  I'm here to reach real people not robots who want to be perfect. 

Think about it who would you rather be.  Would you rather be person a shows up some times trains as hard as possible but doesn't train every week.  Or would you rather be the guy that is consistent and shows up 4-5 days whether they feel like it or not.  Showing up when you don't feel like it is how you build discipline.  Disciplined people go further in life than motivated people.  Read that again.

Same goes for powerlifting.  People have asked me if I still care about powerlifting.  Yes power lifting, is still important and power lifting will always get a lot of love from me.  Oly lifting, and bodybuilding all work but they all require you to be consistent and have progressive overload.  Power lifters usually struggle with their diet.  Yes it's fun to push heavy weight.  But not at the expense of looks.  Power lifters besides Dan Green and Larry Wheels, are usually quite out of shape.

When training for a complete physique you need to train all the rep ranges.  Don't listen to these puny trainers who aren't even 200 lbs.  Your rep range should be from 3-30 reps.  Yes you read that right sets of 30.  My all time best squat of 315 was for 27 reps a few years ago.  High rep squats aren't easy and will have you gasping for air.

This past year 2024 I did great and accomplished my squat goals.  My strength went up and I lost body fat.  Before I could squat 500 lbs x 5 but I had a lot more fat on my body.  Not a lot more but more.  This year all I focused on was training as hard as possible on the 8 best barbell exercises.

1: Barbell or safety bar squats: Squats add mass to your whole body, as someone who has participated in daily squatting I can tell you that it is damn effective, these include, front squat, low bar and high bar squats.  All 3 squats work well and have used all 3 effectively.  

2: Barbell power clean:  A few years ago I'd have listed dead-lift ahead of cleans, but cleans have added mass to my upper back like no other exercise.

3: Barbell conventional dead-lift: If you don't know what a conventional dead lift is get the fuck off my blog.

4: Barbell Overhead Press: Best shoulder builder, stand up and press over your head.  Seated military is also good if you have back issues, but don't be a pussy about it.

5: Barbell Incline Press: This exercise adds mass to your chest like no other, focus on a slow controlled lifting speed and lower the barbell slightly below your chin towards your neck.  Punk ass science guys will say it's dangerous, it's only dangerous if you're going for 1 rep or 3 rep maxes stick to weight you can control.  

6: Barbell curl straight bar: Biceps are targeted well here.

7: Barbell reverse lunge/ split squat: These build the glutes and quads effectively and don't require a lot of weight.

8: Close grip flat bench press: These add thickness to the tricep like no other. 

If you focus the majority of your workouts on these 8 exercises or as many as possible and base your workouts off that.

Here's an example:

Push day: Barbell Overhead press- 4 x 6-8 reps, Incline barbell press: 4 x 10-15 reps, Close grip bench press: 4 x 15-20 reps

The reason you want to structure your workout that way is because by attack every type of rep range.  You lift heavy to activate your nervous system and then you finish the workout with bodybuilding technique and pump training.  Now don't go overboard with pump training.  Progressive overload still needs to be applied here.  As in say you're on close grip bench press, you still need to try to make gains on your 15-20 rep sets.  Make gains as in, do more than last time for the idiots that don't understand.  

For a pull day you could structure the workout this way.

Pull day: Barbell Power clean: 5 x 5 reps, barbell deadlift: 3 x 8 reps, chin ups 5 x til failure each set, barbell curl 5 x 12-15 reps

Same format start heavy and work up to lighter pump work later in the workout.

Legs are different since you need to stimulate slow twitch muscle fibers for quads, 15-20 reps or even 25-30 work effectively for quads.  Now that doesn't give you an excuse to not go heavy.  Here's what I mean.  If you're a low bar squatter, as in bar on rear delts going for strength and pushing weight, the structure needs to be like this.

Legs- Low bar squats barbell: 5 sets 15, 10, 8, 6, 4, Single leg split squat with barbell: 5 x 15-20 reps, Barbell reverse lunge- 3 x 15 reps, body weight walking lunges 5 x 20 steps per leg

If you focus on this leg workout you will become a lot more athletic.  It is hard to do because when you do single leg barbell training, your core has to be stabilized more than with two legs.  

There's a reason every college football strength and conditioning incorporates some form of single leg training or lunging.   It's effective and builds leg size and athleticism well.  

For all the guys whining and complaining about the lack of machines and cables.  If you're not 200 lbs already with muscle dripping every where, you don't need to worry about cables.  I assure you if stick to that 3 day workout program you will build size and strength.  If you're worried about calves do calf raises every workout, problem solved.  I have no patience for excuse makers and guys who are obsessed with machine exercises.  If the barbell didn't work, strength and conditioning programs wouldn't use them in every program.  The barbell is the best tool in the gym and if you don't understand that by now you're lost and need to look at the physiques of 600 and 700 lbs squatters.  

12/30 Workout

Today's workout was different I experimented with high volume dumbbell Bulgarian split squats- I used a 80 lbs dumbbell for 10 sets of 10-15 reps, I super setted with 5 sets of hanging leg raises, my forearms were giving out but I still got a minimum of 5 reps with my best set being 12 reps.  Do the exercise even if your forearms give out.  That's how you make them stronger.  Then I did band rotational twists for 3 sets.  I then went to a local park to run sprints and I did 11 sprints ranging from 35-50 yards.  

This workout was a challenge, I wanted to quit after the 5th set.  The beauty of free will though is that you have a choice.  I chose not to quit.  I pushed through it and had a great workout.  During my workout a taller guy started doing dips when he got there, he didn't know that I had been using it.  I could have been nice and said nothing.  I chose to tell him, hey man I was on here first actually but you can work in with me no problem.

After talking to the guy, I could tell he was socially awkward, he was slightly intimidated by me and didn't want to look me in the eye.  He also was with his gf a very attractive younger black woman with dreads.  They both looked over in my direction and I waved and nodded my head.

Guys if you're a weeny man who is socially awkward don't bring your gf to the gym where she can meet better men than you.  I see this stupidity every day.  I'll quit beating a dead horse though.  The problem isn't me being aggressive it's just be a man, I was inviting him to workout with me and have a conversation and he was too shy or scared too.  It's disappointing because the guy seemed cool nevertheless maybe one day he'll have the courage to tell me about himself.  

Being socially awkward is something that needs to be fixed asap.  No matter where you are in life, prison, the valley.  Gated community, or the hood or barrio.  No matter what your circumstances are you need social skills and a presence about you to survive.  

I learned this through all of my years working all different types of sales job.  Even if you're a bad ass mofo who can whoop everyone's ass and knows how to shoot a gun.  You still need to know how to talk to people.  Being able to influence people and make connections is an important skill.  

I've seen it first hand.  I have an old friend and we'll call him Conda, and Conda stands for anaconda because the guy is a snake in real life that's another story though.  Conda single handedly would create opportunities for himself with his mouthpiece.  He knew what to say and when to say it.  I've never met anyone with more influence in my life.  

The thing about influential people is they are never the bullies or the open narcissists, they are usually covert narcissists, they hide their narcissism well.  They may even buy you drinks let you spend the night.

But all of it is a facade.  It's based on a lie.  They are doing this to disarm you and gain your trust.

I'm glad this person came into my life no matter what happens.  I'll always be grateful for the opportunities he helped me get.  It's disappointing that this guy exited my life.  But manhood involves pain, both physical and emotional.  It's about bouncing back from that pain with resilience and strength.  Going after the next opportunity with full confidence and expectation to get what you want.

When you focus with this energy you can become boundless.  The thing is people misunderstand what I am saying.  Expecting to get what you want doesn't mean you can't strategize.  It takes strategy and brute strength to get what you want.  You have to be the lion and fox like Machiavelli said.  

You have to be able to put the fear of God in someone and terrify them, at the same time you also have to be able to beat them at a debate and be able to make them your friend.

This is what I mean by being a man and socializing with people.  Believe me I used to think it was stupid but after living I have learned that you need to do it from time to time.  This doesn't mean you'll become a social butterfly over night but you can build up to it.  I used to suck socially and now through trial, error and making smart adjustments I know how to connect with people.  

I've learned that the key to influencing people to your side and getting them to like you is to get them to be their true selves around you.  This doesn't mean tell your whole life story right away.  When you genuinely don't seek their approval and act like yourself your real self not the person you hide, when you say your real opinion no matter how vulgar or offensive.

P.s. for the soft ass social justice warriors out there this doesn't mean racism or prejudice.  I have truly met great and awful people of every race and same with dating I have dated great and sorry women of every race.  Everyone deserves a fair chance but if they cross you and screw up, you have to have the guts to let them know that's not okay, whether you're white, Hispanic, black, Asian, or indian IDC stop making it about race and look at real primal people.  

They are free, both men and women can be primal and being primal is who we really are.  Society has taught us to hide ourselves and play small.  You need giant energy to be great, whether it makes other people uncomfortable or not.  In Tim Grover's book Relentless there's a line that says a cleaner maintains his standards and plays to his best no matter what others are doing, the follow up line then says, get on my level or get the fuck out.  

And for women out there especially female athletes go for it.  For real, I see a lot of women not living up to their potential too.  This site is primarily for men but I have a daughter and am aware that some women will read this.  I see women every day in the gym who could easily be pro wrestlers.  Not that I'm forcing the industry on anyone but people and women whine about how bored their jobs are or life is and want excitement.  I can tell you that pro wrestling is one of the most exciting things I've ever been a part of in my life.  

Enough though, no more.

That's enough for now.

Till next time.


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