Thursday, February 15, 2018

5 ways to Improve Your Bodybuilding Mindset

I see a lot of guys and girls in the gym who want to build muscle, but they go about it completely wrong.  This is a mistake, when you're training in the gym you need the right amount of ferocity and intensity when you're getting under heavy weights.

If you can't do this find something else to do with your free time.  You need to go in the gym and convince yourself that you'll go through hell and back to build a great body.

Here's what you need to do to create an effective bodybuilding mindset.

1: Focus all of your personal energy on your workout

If you can only take one message from the whole article, I would recommend that you take this one home.  Put all of your energy into your training.  Don't worry at all about what other people are doing.  Focus on the exercise you're doing and on the muscle you want to grow.

If you're doing squats, focus on spreading out your knees and bracing your core hard.  Think about sitting straight down, in between your legs.  Most people have no plan when they're in the gym.  If you fail to plan, then you're planning to fail.

Don't worry about that bigger guy squatting 5 plates, he used to squat two or 3 plates just like you.  Keep your attention on your workout, be as focused as possible during the session.  There are plenty of things in the gym that will attempt to steal your attention.  Your job is to put everything that's not your workout to the side.

Forget about what everyone else is doing and get your workout done.

2: Bring a workout journal to the gym

A big mistake most people make is not writing down their progress when they're in the gym.  Always right down your top sets when you're in the gym.  Write down the heaviest weights you use every workout.  When you do this it will keep your mind in check.  You will take all the guesswork out, and you'll know whether or not you're making gains.

Most people just wing it and coast.  Your goal needs to be to add weight or do more reps with the same weight every workout.

Getting stronger is very important if you want to be a complete bodybuilder and grow.  Strength is what will determine how big you can get.  I have yet to see someone who is small that can bench press 405 for reps.

If you bring a workout journal, or download one on your phone, you'll know if you're making gains or not.

3: Keep your end goal in mind

No that you're focused on your workout, and you're bringing your journal with you to every workout, it's time to set a goal.

Now, I can't set a goal for you.  It's important that you pick the goal.

If you want to squat 405 for 10 reps, make that your goal.

If you want to add 10 lbs of lean mass this year, go for it.

Same if it's fat loss.  You need to set this goal and keep your mind dead set on it.

People instinctively struggle with this at the gym.  They're more concerned with what other people are doing and how hot the girlies look today.

This is the opposite of what you should be doing.  Trust me, if you want to bang one of those fitness chicks, you better have tight game, or the physique to warrant it.  Usually these girls are with bigger freakier bodybuilders.

4: Take your diet seriously

Again, this is a mistake I used to consistently make.  You need to make sure that your diet and nutrition are on point.  Make sure that you are consistent with your calorie intake and keep your meals clean.  Macro dieting is a stupid concept that leads to mediocre results at best.  Stick to eating clean foods, and learn the difference between 6 oz and 8 oz of beef.  This will save you a lot of time and headaches.

If your social circle or peer group doesn't support your diet or bodybuilding goals, get a new set of friends.  This is going to sound cold, but friends and girlfriends can be replaced.  If you want to be a bodybuilder I recommend staying single.  However, if you have to commit to a girl, pick one that won't get in the way of your goals.  Unfortunately, most women will get in the way.

5: Control your emotions

The last way to improve your bodybuilding mindset is to control your emotions.  This is a mistake I see most people make.  If I ever see you jumping up and down before a set or getting fired up, I'll never workout with you again.  What's the key lesson here?  Save all of your energy for the barbell and your sets.  You want to be as cold as possible when you're training.  Think of water and waves, they just flow.  That's just like emotions.  When you're emotional, you become weak.  This is why Arnold Schwarzanegger was able to dominate bodybuilding, he understood the psychology and mindset required to win.  You need to be intense and you need to be aggressive but you need to be cold and focused as well. 

If you want a great bodybuilding mindset, the last thing you'll need to master is your emotions.  This will be the hardest part.

Thank you for reading.

Share this article with everyone, and try these pointers for yourself.

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