Wednesday, February 21, 2018

How to Stop Being Soft and Weak and Actually Build Muscle

This post is for the people who need a kick in the butt.  They need a harsh older brother that will show them no mercy.  Lucky for my readers I am that guy.  You won't get any articles like this in muscular,  You'll just read a watered down version that's pc.

If you want a pc blog, this isn't for you.  Without further ado, here we go.

Are you struggling to make gains?

Are you still weak?

Are you worried because you're steroid cycle is almost over?

This is why we have so much filth and disgust in gyms every where.  It's because people won't tell you the truth!

The truth is that you can't build muscle because you're weak and you're soft.  Most people will never have the courage to tell you that.  They want to be your friend, I don't.  It makes no difference whether you like me or not.  I'm here to tell you how it is.

You need to nut up, and start training hard and heavy.  But That's hard! (My whiniest girl voice), you low t soy boys can't make gains because you're soft.  You're scared to squat 315!!

If you can't squat 315 how the hell do you expect to squat 405?  You never will.  You guys and especially girls out there just aren't cut out for this.  Just stay in your house and watch the Khardashians or get a sex change, because if you don't change your ways you'll never make the gains.

Here's how to make the switch.

1: Build discipline

A lot of these young men have become weak because they lack discipline.  If you can't discipline yourself, life will do it for you.  Read 1 article about how to get stronger every day.  Trust me, you won't build muscle benching 135.  You need to get that up to 275 if you expect to build any real muscle.  Learn to eat whole foods, and over consume protein.

Society will tell you this is wrong because the consequences of that will be more testosterone, more courage, harder to control.  You won't be a sissy low t soy boy any more, and they hate that.  When you over consume protein instead of carbs you make it much harder to get fat.

Protein also enhances muscle recovery.  Now, that doesn't mean avoid carbs.  My mission, is to get you to make protein your top priority.

You need to get your protein from whole food sources.  Beef, eggs, fish, steak, chicken.  Over eat those foods.  A basic white rice, and dry steel cut plain oatmeal are your best carb sources.  If you're making big money, switch the carb source to baked sweet potatoes.

If you can't build the discipline to eat enough protein, you'll never be able to transfer it to the gym.

2: Do the exercise correctly

This is another one that should be basic.  Most people butcher the exercise they are doing.  If you're squatting, go down to parallel.  If you can't squat to depth, the weight is too heavy.  I'm a huge advocate of heavy training.  What I don't advocate is cheating the depth.  I demand that you squat to depth.  Now, if you ever train with me in person, I won't call out your depth unless you ask.  I'm personally too worried about my own squats to give a damn about you.  But this blog is my way of giving back to the young lifters out there who want to get better.

When you dead-lift, don't hitch.  Again, this is basic, but people hitch their dead-lifts all the time in the gym.

3: Never and I mean ever use 10 lb plates on bent over barbell rows

Unless you're a woman, or a 16 yr old, I never want to see anyone using 10 lb plates on bent over barbell rows.  Unfortunately, I have seen this atrocity at the gym I train at.  Trust me, there are plenty of schmucks out there.  Always put at least 135 on the barbell for bent over rows, if you can't do that, please don't tell me you're cutting.  Because you won't be the only one doing any cutting.

4: Do weighted chin ups, every back day, or dead-lift day

One of the biggest mistakes I've made in my own training is not doing enough weighted chin ups.  This is hands down one of the best lat and bicep builders.  Now, if you can't do weighted chin ups yet, don't worry, start with body weight, until you can do 10, then slowly add weight.  Trust me, I used to suck at these and now I can hang a 70 lbs dumbbell around my waist for a set of 6.

Make sure you do these every week if you care at all about building strength and muscle.  These also have a great carryover to the dead-lift.

5: Follow my minimalist bulking program

Workout A:

Low bar squats: 2 x 6, 1 x 20

Dead-lifts: 1 x 6

Flat bench press: 2 x 6-8

Weighted chin ups: 1 x 6-8 reps

Calf raises: 2 x 20 reps

Workout B:

Low bar squats: 1 x 20 reps

Bent over barbell rows: 2 x 12-15 reps

Romanian Dead-lift: 2 x 15 reps

Incline bench press: 2 x 8-10 reps

Barbell bicep curls: 1 x 8 reps

Calf raises: 2 x 20 reps

Do this workout 3 times per week.  Take one day off in between workouts.  Do it exactly as written, these are the exercises that will allow you to use the most weight, which will allow you to build the most muscle.  I recommend sticking with this routine for a minimum of 1-2 years, and do it during a bulk.  Don't cut during this program, it's a strength and muscle building program.  The volume is low because I want you to lift as heavy as you can each workout.  I also want you to sleep a minimum of 7-8 hours per night and to eat 4-5 solid food meals daily.

On Mon you will lift heavy on squats, since you will be fresh.  Make sure you go all the way down to parallel.  Never do half or quarter squats.  Squat all the way down to parallel.  After your heavy sets of 6 on squat, you will do a brutal set of 20 reps.  The rule is that you have to get 20 reps.  If you want to take 3 deep breaths after rep 10 and 15, you're welcome to do that.   Then I want you to do 1 heavy set of 6 on dead-lifts.  The volume is low on dead-lifts because you will be dead-lifting twice per week.  I need you to be fresh for the last workout of the week which will be workout A every other week.

After squats and dead-lifts you will move on to flat bench press.  This exercise will put the most mass on your chest, shoulders, and triceps.  You are to touch the bar on your chest and complete full range of motion reps.  I want 2 hard sets of 6-8 reps, if you get more than 8 reps on the first working set add weight.  If you do one set of 8 and then one set of 6 that is okay.  If you do two sets of 7 it's okay.  I want you to reach technical failure around rep 6-8.

Last you will do weighted chin ups.  I program these last because you won't be able to cheat as much due to fatigue.  1 all out set of 6-8 reps is fine on weighted chin ups.

On workout b, you will low bar squat, 1 hard set of 20 reps.  Now, again, it needs to be hard, I want the 20th rep to hurt.  Your legs should be shaking and full of blood after the set is over.  The last 2-3 reps should be hell.  Again, squat all the way down to parallel and back up.

Then I want you to do bent over rows with a barbell, you're allowed to use straps for this exercise.  I want you again to pick the heaviest weight that will allow you to get no less than 12 reps, and no more than 15.  Do 2 sets, I will accept it, if you want to substitute power cleans.  For those that don't know, power cleans are harder.

The next exercise is a Romanian dead-lift.  These are your hamstring builders here, and yes girls your glutes will grow from this as well.  The difference here is that you will start the exercise at the top.  Push your butt back as far as possible and lower the barbell slightly below your knees.  The purpose of this exercise is to get the hamstring stretch.  Don't focus on heavy weight here, focus on pushing the glutes back and stretching the hamstrings.

Next we have incline bench press.  Again, if you want to do standing overhead press, instead of this, I will allow it.  Just remember inclines are easier.  Do 2 hard sets of 6-8 reps, if you can do more than 8 it's too light.  If you can't do 6, it's too heavy.

Then you'll move on to barbell bicep curls.  Warm up and then do 1 hard set of 8 reps.  I want clean form, and full range of motion.  That means curl the barbell to your chest.

Last, we have calf raises.  These will be the most boring, suffer through it and build your calves.  Pick the standing calf raise and do 2 sets of 20 reps, the 20th rep needs to be really difficult.

Nutrition tips for the program

You need to eat as much as you can on this program.  Shoot for 2 grams of protein per pound of body weight, if you miss and get 1.5 that's better than 1 gram.

Don't be afraid to eat a little dirty.  I'm fine with college kids eating sandwiches and a pack or two of oreos in between meals.  The purpose of this program is to bulk and make strength gains.  This program will help you build size.

Drink whole milk 2-3 times per day with a couple meals.  Add olive oil to each meal for extra calories.  Olive oil is very healthy and is great for joint health.  If you want to snack on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches go ahead.  I want you to grow on this program.  Growth requires calories and food.

Bulking diet for this program

Meal 1: 5 whole eggs, 3 pieces of bacon, 1 cup of plain oatmeal, with a banana or fruit of choice, 1 8 oz glass of whole milk

Snack 1: 1 8 oz glass of whole milk, 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Meal 2: 12 oz of ground beef with green veggies

Snack 2: 2 cans of tuna on sourdough bread

Meal 3 Pre workout:  2 cans of tuna with white rice, covered in olive oil

Meal 4 post workout: 12 oz ground beef, 2 cups of white rice, 1 cup of red beans, covered in olive oil.

Bed time snack: 1 8 oz glass of whole milk

If you stick with that diet exactly the way it is written, it's guaranteed that you will gain weight, and muscle mass.  I kept chicken out of the diet for a reason.  Chicken has less calories than beef.  Every client that's done this diet has gained muscle and weight. 

This diet works and everyone that's done the diet as written has built size and strength.  Now, if you're 300 lbs and fat, don't do this diet.  This diet is for people who are looking to grow and build size and strength. 

Recommended Reading:

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